Faculty of Mechanics and Energy

Head of Department

Last Updated: Tuesday, 22 May 2018 19:19


Igor Martynov
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Head of the department Martynov Igor Ernstovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (2010), Professor (2011), author of more than 100 scientific and methodological works, including 4 teaching aids with a stamp of the Ministry of Education.

He teaches disciplines: "Wagons (designing and calculations)", "Refrigerating equipment of cars", "Reliability of cars" and "Actual problems of designing and calculating new car designs".

Sphere of scientific interests: increase of reliability of rolling stock units.

Under the direction of prof. Martynova IE a complex of researches is devoted to the choice of the optimal design of a box bearing bearing unit of freight wagons. The raised boot knots of the raised reliability, equipped with double-row bearings of the cassette type, are successfully operated on the wagons of the new generation on the railways of Ukraine.