Faculty of Information-control systems and technologies

Head of the Department

Last Updated: Friday, 20 March 2020 14:40
Anatolii Kargin

Anatolii Kargin
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

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Year of birth: 1951

Education: In 1973 graduated from Donetsk State University, speciality «Radiophysics», specialization «Technical means of control systems».
He studied at the post-graduate course at the Department of Technical Means of Control Systems, speciality 05.13.01 – «Technical Cybernetics and Information Theory».
In 1979 defended his PhD thesis in Kharkiv Institute of Radioelectronics. The subject of the thesis was «Investigation of the value of information used in automated control systems to ensure the operational reliability of process equipment».
The academic title of associate professor of the Department of Cybernetics and Computer Science was awarded in 1982.
In 1983-1984 was passing a scientific internship at the University of London. (Queen Mary College). Trained with Professor E. Mamdani, where studied and developed fuzzy methods of managing technical complexes.
In 1997 defended his doctoral thesis in Kharkiv Institute of Radioelectronics. The subject of the thesis was «Intelligent real-time control systems for flexible automated manufacturing».
The academic title of the professor of the Department of Computer Technologies was assigned in 2001.
Created and developed in Ukraine a scientific school «Intelligent Machines».

Scope of scientific interests: intelligent situational machines, the creation of the theory of intelligent situational machines and on the basis of it – technologies.

Intellectual machines – the scientific school is developed by prof. Kargin. Intellectual information technologies based on models and methods of processing sensory information, borrowed in LIVING NATURE and cognitive sciences, have been researched and developed in more than 15 PhD theses, carried out under the guidance of prof. Kargin, published more than 350 scientific papers and several monographs.

Author of 250 publications. Among them, scientific – 230 (including 3 in journals that are included in international science-metric databases), educational and methodological – 19.

Awards and honors: Awarded with the badges «For Excellent Successes in Work» (1989), «Excellent Worker of Education of Ukraine» (2001), «For Scientific Achievements» (2009). Has the honorary title of «Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine» and «Honored Professor of DonNU».

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Selected publications:

  1. Каргин А.А. Введение в интеллектуальные машины. Книга 1. Интеллектуальные регуляторы. Донецк: Норд-Пресс, ДонНУ, 2010. – 526с.
  2. Каргин А.А., Петренко Т.Г. Нечёткие модели в задачах ситуационного управления/Інформаційно-керуючи системи на залізничному транспорті. ХарДАЗТ, Харьків, № 4, 2010, С.66-69.
  3. Каргин А.А., Пятикоп А.Е. Применение нечетких моделей когнитивных знаний восприятия изображения в задаче локализации строк текста/Искусственный интеллект – 2009. – №2. – С .161-167.
  4. Каргин А.А.,Тимофеев А.В. Интегрированные адаптивные системы сквозного технологического цикла в ГПС/ ГПС в действии. Л.: Машиностроение, 1996. С.27-38.
  5. Каргин А.А. Проблемно-ориентированное программное обеспечение микропроцессорных систем/ Микропроцессорные средства и системы. №2, 1987, С.17-21.

The main academic disciplines that teach:

Discipline Specialty
1 Introduction to Information Technology 126 Information systems and technologies
2 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Systems Design 126 Information systems and technologies
3 Architecture of computers and systems 126 Information systems and technologies
4 Theory of intelligent machines 126 Information systems and technologies
5 Operating systems 126 Information systems and technologies